As far as I know, I came up with this saying on my own...but you never know what seeds may have been planted that caused me to think of, if I should be giving credit to someone, please let me know.
"We are all just people, living life the best that we know how with the tools that we have."
This is a saying that I truly believe and try to remember. I remind myself of this at times when I find that I may be looking down on or judging someone. I think that it is easy for us to start to think that we are better than people, for many different reasons. I don't have to list the reasons, I'm sure a flood of them come to mind when you start to think about it.
One particular reason that stands out to me is treating people differently because they are poor. I have been working with some of the poorest people for the last 3 years, and the one thing that I know, is that they are people with hopes and dreams the same as you and I. They are living their life the best that the know how with the tools that they have available to them. I have spent my time and effort trying to improve their tools so that they can get closet to obtaining their goals, whatever that may be.
It seems that people who live in trailers get made fun of the most. I can think of several derogatory sayings that are aimed at people living in trailers. I truly don't understand that. It is a home, a home that they can afford. Who are we to judge them for living within their means! And just because a person lives in a trailer does not mean that they are poor. Maybe it is just that having a fancy house doesn't align with their goals. Maybe they choose to have a less expensive home in order to achieve their other financial goals. We all make financial decisions every day, and not all of us have the same financial goals. Some people prefer a fancy home, some prefer a fancy car, some to be able to travel, some to be debt free.
My mom was very poor while I was a young child and we lived in a trailer. I felt the judgement of others and I was made very aware that we were "less" because of her income. Now looking back, how sad that a young child should feel this way and be aware of the judgments of other children and adults. I was embarrassed of the clothes I had, the car she drove, and that we lived in a trailer. But, now looking back I am not embarrassed of these things, they are all in material and are very insignificant in the grand scheme of life. She did a good job of creating a nice home and providing the best she could with what she had, and ultimately is that what we are all doing, just on different scales?
Here's to remembering we are all just people, living life the best we know how with the tools that we have.
I love that quote very much...I have heard that spoken before, maybe in a different way....but I don't know who said it first, lol! But you are so right to say we should not judge those who are doing their best to live their life. They are free to live how they want and may be very content with the way they are. With the jobs we have shared, we may look at it as, "oh, this person needs my help, I need to change this person, I don't agree with what they are doing and they can't possibly be happy this way." What do we know. "but if they would just listen to me, their life would be so much better..." Pretty sure we both have said/thought similar statements. Lol.
ReplyDeleteI am certainly guilty of saying "if they would just listen to me..." Oh well, here's to doing better in the future :)